RetroRule #333
First off, I know you fucking lying because who does that?!
there are just some things i do not understand and adding your romantic interest to your close friends is one of them. it’s so next level tacky!
why are we not pushing for our interactions with love interests to be off the platforms?! why do we want to be in the algorithm with the other hoes? the cf algorithm at that!
my male friend was telling me he added a young lady to his cf because she added him to hers. I simply wanted to tell him that it’s just the dumb leading the dumb. doing that just leave room for so much bullshit to occur.
i can not stress the importance of actually getting to know people in Real life and not the persona they display online. stop letting media dictate how you interact in romantic situations (hell i mean in life too). focus on being more thoroughly present during the dating process aka keep the hoes off your socials and most certainly out of the cf!