mercury is being ghetto again
Look let me cut the shit and get right the fuck to it
cracks knuckles and gets serious
*****find your rising sign and go*****
virgo rising (re-affirm)
the 1st house is the house of SELF. During this retrograde, you will start to reflect on your image and persona. You can no longer pretend that your outer and inner worlds are in harmony. You might be looking good but feeling like shit on the inside. This retrograde will challenge you to bring your inner and outer into balance. But will you truly face yourself and your feelings to do so is the question? Start a new relationship with yourself, and let go of what(and WHO) doesn't serve the new you. You can revamp yourself and come up new, don't play yourself!
Does your image align with who you are inside?
Is this worth arguing about?
How can you dedicate more time to yourself?
Leo rising (re-vamp)
the 2nd house is the house of gains such as material possessions, self-value, and money. There may be a sudden realization that material wealth is not equivalent to your worth. You have all these things but feel empty inside. You might have also put a strain on your finances by try to accumulate more than you can afford. Right now you need to be extra cautious with financial decisions or you will regret it big time. This retrograde is challenging you to understand what you value so deeply and why. Is it truly worth it? Does the purchase align with who you are inside?
Donate old items
Brainstorm new ways of making money
Practice deep self love
Cancer rising (re-think)
The 3rd house is the house of communication, short travel, and siblings. This house is ruled by Mercury. Issues with a sibling can resurface, or you may get back in touch with a long-lost sibling. Short travel could have some delays like traffic and accidents. Most importantly communication and how you share will be a main concern. You could be feeling mentally scattered with monkey brain bouncing from thought to thought. Retrograde is challenging you to express your thoughts in ways that calm you and truly think before speaking.
Proofread emails and text messages, especially for work.
Update and back up all devices
Cut social media time down
Reconnect with your siblings
Gemini rising (re-root)
The 4th house is the house of home, family, and roots. You are the ruler of this house! Family issues could be pressing right now. Childhood issues and distant family members could resurface. Could it be you are questioning things you learned in the home as a child? The retrograde could bring up feelings that challenge you to rethink family traditions and values. This is also a good time to treat your home more like the sanctuary it is. Why are you allowing energies to enter your home and violate it? Sage, move furniture around, and be mindful of how important your home is.
Reach out to old family
Clean up your home
Acknowledge that your past is just that, the PAST
Taurus rising (re-ignite)
The 5th house is the house of creative pleasure, children, and romantic fun! But for some reason, you haven't been feeling so creative lately. This house also rules over children and childlike expressions. You need to get back to the fun you used to have as a child. Think of an old hobby you loved as a child, and how you can pick it back up. If you have children or work with children closely, you might have a hard time connecting. You could also find yourself lacking romance. Maybe you are single or your relationship has gotten a bit stale. You may even have a visit from an old lover that will remind you of old fun or possibly painful times.
Clock out, create, and play
Rekindle the flirty fun in your relationship
Aries rising (re-juvenate)
The 6th house is the house of everyday routine and health. This house is ruled by Mercury. Did you all of a sudden get an urge to switch up your daily routine? Or maybe you are feeling stuck about what habits you need to adjust or stop altogether. This retrograde highlights that your routine is out of balance, too much work or too much play. Maybe you've slacked off on the gym and eating healthy. Old health issues could resurface as well. During this time you could also be cloudy about your everyday job. This would be a great time to schedule a 1 on 1 review at work to see what daily tasks can be adjusted.
Change eating and workout habits
How are your morning and night routines helping you?
pisces rising (re-unite)
The 7th house is the house of personal relationships/partnerships. You could still be living in the past regarding certain relationships, not compromising over overcompensating. Exes/old flings, or old issues from previous relationships can resurface. This retrograde is challenging you to acknowledge that as long as you hold on to grudges or pain you will stay stagnant. Renegotiate your love and bury old beef, it's blocking your heart.
Work on balancing the relationship with yourself to set proper balance with loved ones
Let that hurt go and reach out
Aquarius rising (re-pay)
The 8th house is the house of deep transformation, life, and death. This house highlights what needs to be purged so better can be born. This house also rules over sexual relations and shared resources. The balance of give and take needs to be realigned. Retrograde through the 8th house wants you to look at the power dynamics in your sexual relationships. Is there a lack or too much? How do these encounters reflect parts of yourself you do not want to face? Outside of sex, are you too reliant on the resources of others to support you? Are you oversharing yours?
Look into paying off debts
Your sexual habits need to be reviewed
Capricorn rising (re-visit)
The 9th house is the house of travel, expansion, and higher learning. You could be traveling to a foreign country or planning to during this time. There could also be situations happening to challenge you to further your education. Knowledge expands, not just academically but spiritually as well. Be objective, you can not see the forest for the trees if you are too close. Back up to see the whole picture to make your next move.
Blend your visionary view and eye for details
Revisit your educational goals
Vacation to a place you've visited already
It's okay to question your faith to strengthen your beliefs
Sagittarius rising (re-define)
The 10th house is the house of achievements and career. You are the ruler of this house. There may be a cloud of confusion over you regarding work and the overall structure of your life. Does what you do reflect or truly benefit who you are at the core? You could be going through a transition in your career like a title change or job loss. Whatever it is, the retrograde is challenging you to be patient and use caution when communicating with higher-ups or coworkers. There could also be an opportunity to revisit a career or position you didn't get before.
Take some well-needed PTO
Redo your resume
Reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind
Scorpio rising (re-connect) The 11th house is the house of friendship, social groups, and how they bring blessings into your life. This retrograde is going to show you how keeping the wrong company can delay blessings. You will be challenged to accept the fact that your goals have shifted and your social group needs a shift as well. This shift may not sit well with your friends, so be mindful of how you communicate (and that goes for non-verbal communication as well). The people we connect with are somewhat a reflection of us, do you like the reflection you see? Good time to reach out to old pals.
How do you feel about your friends? Do they align with you?
Are you a good friend to others as well as yourself?
Libra rising (re-lease)
The 12th house is the house of the subconscious, the storage unit for your fears/paranoia and secrets. Something that has been pushed in the dark will be coming to light. You've been avoiding talking/thinking about it but retrograde wants you to release it for good! You will be extremely sensitive at this time so isolation and meditation will be key here. It's okay to ask for help or even seek counseling. A lot of you are gifted and may have some paranormal activity during this retrograde. Blend your spiritual side with your shadow side.
Rethink and revisit your faith
Jot down all dreams and spiritual encounters
Shower/bath meditation